In response to mandatory quarantine measures and the height of covid-19, this tag was created by Majella, and I quote: "This tag was created with our current situation in mind and will hopefully be both entertaining and insightful to watch. " Like most people, I've been quarantined since mid-March and it's been hard to create content because it's affecting me and how I live my life.
Admittedly, I am truly heartbroken that I have spent half of 2020 in quarantine and don't see an end in sight. I'm writing this in a sad and bereft mood, which is why this blog post isn't necessarily makeup related.
But, I think as a person with a platform, I want to stay productive and help people with my content in quarantine too. I do hope you find this tag interesting and insightful.
1. Five activities you do the most while quarantined
Gonna be quick with this: Blog, Work, Exercise, Nail stuff, and Makeup.
2. What is the best thing about being quarantined?
Living without the pressure to go out just to get things done (anxiety-inducing, tiring, an introvert's nightmare). Also, having an unexpectedly indefinite amount of time to rethink and re-evaluate your life.
I mean when all your plans get ruined all of a sudden, quarantine does make you think about what really matters to you and what else you want to do. Well, we don't know when this is all going to get better.
3. What is the most difficult thing about being quarantined
Living at work and mourning for loved ones while in lockdown. It's not really easy to have boundaries and compartmentalize anything when you're in the same place every day.
4. Three activities to help with boredom
Most of these have to do with development:
Focusing on your new hobbies
Talking to your friends and loved ones (this is the time to really focus on who matters so if you feel bored, cultivate your relationships that matter, you can't see them but you can still be real with them)
Catch up on films, new shows, podcasts and music you missed out on or don't have the time for
5. Ways to avoid feeling isolated
In all honesty, I follow these tips but I still feel isolated. But I think these might still work for people who haven't tried them yet:
Do regular zoomer reunions with the people that you care about. gives you something to look forward to and let out some steam.
Seek mental health services. I'm seeking grief counseling at the moment. But really any kind of mental health service helps because it's hard to cope and stay sane when you've been inside for months at this point.
Bond with The People around you. You're not quarantined by yourself, and you don't mind who you're with, spend time with them. You can deepen your relationship with your roommates, family, or significant other. Even our pets are happy we're around more. With company like that, you're not really alone, you can be alone together.
6. Have you started any new hobbies?
I've been binging new shows and films again and listening to more podcasts and music videos. I’ve also been doing makeup (different techniques) and nail art.
7. What have you home-cooked?
I already cooked quite a bit before lockdown but in quarantine, some new recipes I've picked up were for mojos, chili garlic oil, and kimchi fried rice.
8. New things you've learned or done while quarantined
So far, I've learned how to do my own press-on nails and even ended up launching a business. I also watched new movies and shows, learned new makeup techniques, and I'm learning how to style wigs.
9. The Youtube channels you currently watch most and what are your youtube channel recommendations
So naturally, I’ve been binging a lot of youtube channels, and I recommend all of these creators i'm going to categorize them by content below:
Horror Narrations
Southern Cannibal
Mortis Media
Reaction Channels
Zachary Michael
alex is shook
Film Channels
Dead Meat
10. What are you currently most thankful for?
There isn't much to be thankful for right now but I think I'm just really grateful that I know who is there for me now among my loved ones. Talking online leaves little for pretense, and you quickly find out who's willing to make time for you and who isn't when you can't see each other in person. you find out who actually respects you, and who actually goes out of their way to talk to you.
This is really the time to nurture the relationships that are worth keeping and I like that people are more genuine and authentic because of being locked down so you know it's the little things that count.